Covid-19 Screening Requirements

Dear St. FX Families,All students and staff are required to implement the 2-step COVID-19 daily self-assessment and verification for the return to in-person learning starting Monday, January17th, 2022. This is the same method used at the start of the school year in September (previously issued QR codes and links can be used).The below twosteps must be completed daily BEFORE students leave home for school:
STEP 1: Access the school screening tool for your child by clicking on this link: Screening Tool.
DO NOT e-mail the results to the school. Instead, proceed to step 2.
STEP 2: Verify the results from the self-assessment by completing this Microsoft form.
The completion of the MS form provides the school with a list of students who have verified their Covid -19 self-assessment, including the time of the verification. If your child arrives without completing either of these two steps, you will receive a telephone call and you will be asked to verbally confirm that the self-assessment was completed and that your child is able to attend school based on the results. This process can be completed using the clickable links in step 1 and 2, or by using the QR codes below.